One Piece’s Elbaf arc has already introduced Loki to the fans, and things are looking more than exciting in this part of the story with each passing chapter. It is safe to say that Loki has gripped the attention of the fans right from his first glimpse, but more than that, with One Piece chapter 1131 providing more information about him, he is now even more of an intriguing character.
Finally, Loki’s bounty has been revealed in One Piece, even the existence of which is surprising in itself. What is even more shocking is the fact that Loki’s reward is incredibly high, and it just goes to show that his level of strength is absolutely impeccable, to say the least.
Loki’s 2.6 Billion Berry Bounty is A Special Reward

Loki Attained A Very High Bounty Without Being A Criminal
Loki’s Potential Is Scary
In One Piece chapter 1131, Loki’s introduction box was finally given to the fans. In this introduction box, Loki was revealed to be the Accursed Prince of Elbaf, and at the same time, his bounty of 2.6 billion berries was finally revealed to the fans. For Loki to have a 2.6 billion berry bounty, he must be plenty powerful. But, even more than that, Loki’s bounty is said to be a special bounty, which has not been elaborated upon in the story as of yet. What exactly the story means by Loki having a special bounty isn’t known just yet. But, what fans know for sure is that Loki’s bounty is insanely high. For one, fans don’t know when exactly Loki got his bounty, but, at the very least, it can be inferred from One Piece chapter 1131 that Loki has been chained for at least 6 years, if not more. This means that this bounty must have been issued before 6 years, because the World Government would have no reason to place a bounty on the head of someone who is in chains already or isn’t active on the seas anymore.
I’ve been chained here for 6 years. Can you believe it? – Loki
Given Loki’s age, it would make perfect sense for him to be active 6 years before the current events of One Piece, and potentially even long before that. Loki’s bounty of 2.6 billion berries would then make a lot of sense. This is simply because Loki would have been active back during this time and going out to the sea, where he could potentially pick up fights with the Navy, and whatnot. At the same time, just by being associated with the Giants and showcasing his power, Loki would most certainly have gotten a very high reward for himself without even being a pirate, which would explain why he has a special bounty.
Why Loki’s Reward Isn’t Reflective Of His True Strength
Loki Has Grown Stronger Since

Loki’s Bounty of 2.6 billion berries is incredibly impressive, to say the least. However, even this reward isn’t reflective of his true strength, which is something that fans should understand from just one look at him. For one, Loki’s bounty was issued long before the current events of One Piece, specifically 6 years prior to the current events of the story. Around that time, Loki’s Bounty was 2.6 billion berries, and since then, Loki is likely to have grown stronger.
I’m the Sun God who will destroy the world! – Loki
Furthermore, there is also the fact that Loki has consumed a legendary Devil Fruit. As was made clear in One Piece chapter 1130, Loki killed his own father, Harald, and successfully consumed a legendary Devil Fruit passed down the royal line in Elbaf, which was likely kept for a special someone. Loki ate this devil fruit and gained legendary powers that can allow him to not just destroy Elbaf, but the entire world. These powers are likely not factored into Loki’s true strength, and that is simply because immediately after consuming this Devil Fruit, Loki was sentenced to crucifixion and eventually chained up.
This means that Loki most likely did not have the chance to show the World Government what his true strength was like and because of that, his bounty is most definitely not reflective of his current level of power.
On top of that, there is absolutely no telling whether Loki ever went on to ever show his true strength to the Navy. Regardless of everything, he does have a 2.6 billion berry Bounty, which is more than impressive, to say the least. Loki’s strength is absolutely magnificent, and 2.6 billion berries in itself, even if it isn’t truly reflective of his true strength, is an incredible reward. It must be remembered that 2.6 billion berries is a reward high enough for someone to be considered an Emperor of the Sea, which, once again, indicates that Loki is strong enough to be considered among the Yonko, provided he had enough territories and a strong crew at his back.
Why Does Loki Have A Special Bounty?
Loki’s Bounty Is Likely Because Of Not Being A Pirate

As was revealed recently, Loki has a special bounty, and it isn’t exactly clear why. Perhaps Loki’s bounty is special because he isn’t like other pirates, and he hasn’t received lower starting rewards over the years. Even phenomenal pirates like Big Mom and Kaido have had to slowly rise through the ranks. For instance, Kaido’s first bounty was 70 million berries, while Big Mom’s was found to be 50 million. They eventually went on to gain a bounty as high as 4.611, and 4.388 billion berries respectively. In the case of Loki, that is unlikely to have been the case. Perhaps, the threat of Loki was such that the World Government immediately placed a 2.6 billion berry Bounty on his head without him even opposing them or being a pirate, which could be why this bounty figure is known as a special bounty.
Is Loki Yonko Level?

The question of whether Loki is Yonko level or not is quite easy to answer. For one, his bounty of 2.6 billion berries is higher than what Blackbeard had until recently. Blackbeard was revealed to have a bounty of 2.247 billion berries when he was introduced as an Emperor on the Pirates Island. Of course, his current bounty is 3.996 billion berries, but, the fact that he was an Emperor with 2.247 billion berries just goes to prove that Loki’s bounty is high enough. Furthermore, it must be noted that Loki’s bounty is 2.6 billion berries without him holding any territories or having powerful allies or even a strong crew at his back. Loki’s bounty is solely based on his own strength, which is absolutely magnificent, to say the least. No matter which way fans look at it, Loki is a Yonko level character, and he can go on to destroy Elbaf, and potentially even the world, just as he claims.