The world of One Piece has introduced fans to quite a lot of powerful Devil Fruits. Among all the fruits, Logia are said to be the strongest, while the Mythical Zoans hold an even more exalted status. Mythical Zoans appear every now and then. But, even among the special Devil Fruits, there are some fruits that hold an even higher status.
These are the Godly Devil Fruits of the One Piece world. While not many of these exist, fans know that there is certainly more than one, with the potential of even more showing up later down the line. These Godly Devil Fruits are certainly going to play a big role in the Final Saga of One Piece, which is well and truly underway already.
The Godly Devil Fruits Shown in One Piece So Far

Luffy’s Fruit Holds The Name of A God
Loki Believes He Has Godly Power
Quite easily, the most important Godly Devil Fruit that fans have seen in One Piece so far, perhaps being the only proper one, is that of the Sun God. In the Wano Country Arc, it was revealed to the fans that Luffy’s Devil Fruit, which was known by the name of Gomu Gomu no Mi, was actually not a Paramecia. The real name of the Devil Fruit was revealed to be Hito Hito no Mi, and it was also made clear that this Devil Fruit is actually a Mythical Zoan type. Clearly, this Devil Fruit was quite special, given that it held the power of a god. At the same time, it was also made clear to the fans that Luffy was the Warrior of Liberation, also known as the Sun God.
His transformation made him Nika, the God revered in the tales of Elbaf as a mighty warrior who frees people from their miseries and brings smiles to their faces. Luffy’s power was also known to be impressive, with his imagination being the only thing capable of stopping him. With a rubbery body, Luffy could fight with immense freedom and this made him the biggest enemy of the World Government. Luffy’s Devil Fruit being a godly power certainly meant that there was a possibility for more such abilities to exist.
And this fruit has the name of a God! – Gorosei
Surprisingly, even before Luffy, fans saw one godly Devil Fruit in the Wano Country arc. This Devil Fruit belongs to none other than Yamato. While technically not known to be a God, Yamato certainly does possess the power of a deity. Yamato can transform into the Okuchi no Makami that protects the land of Wano. This Devil Fruit was secured by Kaido at an unknown period of time and eaten by Yamato during childhood days. This is yet another godly Devil Fruit that exists in the One Piece world, and there certainly are more.
More recently, in the Elbaf Arc, it was revealed that there exists a legendary Devil Fruit in Elbaf. This Devil Fruit was passed down the royal line of the country for ages and was eventually eaten by none other than Loki. Loki claims that he has the power of the Sun God due to the Devil Fruit which has been passed down the country for years. What exactly this power is remains unknown, but what fans know for sure is that Loki can transform into some deity and utilize immense power in combat. Clearly, there are already three godly entities that exist in the world of One Piece, and there could easily be more that fans have not been introduced to yet. The Final Saga will come into play massively here and reveal more such powers to all the readers.
What Other Godly Entities Could Exist In One Piece?
The God Of Forests Could Be Another Power That Exists

When wondering about the other Godly entities that could be introduced in One Piece, fans first have to look at the character of Loki. Clearly, Loki cannot be the Sun God. Despite what he believes, he is not going to have the same power as Luffy. But, Loki’s strength is certainly going to be magnificent, which is something that fans can say for sure. In fact, Loki’s strength has to be closely related to that of Luffy. The fact is that all the Giants of Elbaf are very well aware of Nika and his tales.
God of the Sun, God of the Rain, God of the Forest, God of the Earth!
They know he has an all-white form because Dory and Brogy clearly recognized Luffy as someone who looked similar to the Sun God. As such, Loki, and all the others, should also be very well aware of what the Sun God looks like, which means that whatever power Loki has should make him look similar to the Gear 5. This means that Loki has the power of a deity that looks very similar to the Sun God itself, making him a very exciting Godly entity in the One Piece world. What exactly this fruit is remains to be seen, but one can say that it is going to be a Godly fruit with an all-white transformation for sure.
Other than Loki, fans have also seen the god of forest being mentioned in the Skypiea arc of One Piece. Who exactly this God of Forest is remains to be seen. For now, fans don’t know much about this entity either, but since people have prayed to the God of Forest and devil fruits are a result of human wishes, it can be said that there exists a God of Forest Devil Fruit in the One Piece world.
Clearly, one could draw comparisons between this fruit and the Mori Mori no Mi, but the godly Devil Fruit would definitely have to be a Mythical Zoan, given that it is an ability that allows one to transform into a Godly entity.
The Final Saga Of One Piece Will Reveal More Godly Fruits
Oda Is Set To Expand Upon The Godly Fruits

As is clear, One Piece’s final saga will introduce fans to more Godly Devil Fruits. Fans already know that Loki’s Devil Fruit is going to be revealed soon enough, and if there exists a God of Forest in the One Piece world, then this Devil Fruit will likely be revealed as well. Oda also introduced God of the Rain, among many other gods, to the fans in Skypiea, which means these fruits could also exist somewhere else in the world. Perhaps, the final saga will introduce all these Devil Fruits to the fans, much to their delight.

Speaking of Gods, one also has to take into consideration the power of Imu, who could be the Sea God and, thus, another powerful Godly devil fruit user. Fans simply need to sit back and wait because the Final Saga is going all out with imagination and reaching a scale never seen before in the One Piece World.