The Straw Hat Pirates are an incredibly powerful bunch who have, over the years, reached an unprecedented level of power.
Right now, they are one of the most influential crews on this high seas, having reached the status of an Emperor crew recently. It goes without saying that the Straw Hat Pirates are dominating the seas right now. However, they did not reach this level of strength without sacrifices.
The Straw Hats have had to suffer on many occasions, and they’ve even had to give up some members of their own family such as the Going Merry. As fans know, in the Water 7 Saga, the Going Merry died, and the crew ended up giving her a funeral on the seas. Following the death of the Merry, the Sunny became the next ship of the Straw Hat Pirates, and many fans are wondering whether this ship will remain the final ship of the crew or if there will be an upgrade of sorts.
How The Straw Hat Pirate Got The Thousand Sunny

The Thousand Sunny Was Crafted By Franky And The Galley-La
The Thousand Sunny Uses Adam Wood
The Straw Hat Pirates got the Thousand Sunny during the Water 7 Saga of One Piece. The basis for the crew getting the Thousand Sunny was established long before the Water 7 Saga even began. In the Skypiea Saga, it was clear for the fans to see that the Merry was not going to last. The ship was already bruised and battered, and, in the treacherous tides of the Grand Line, it could only have survived for so long. Even though Usopp did what he could and tried to mend the ship as best as he could, at the end of the day, it wasn’t enough. In One Piece’s Water 7 Saga, when the Straw Hat Pirates met the Galley-La Company, they were made aware of the fact that the ship could not be repaired and that they would have to get a new one.
Merry, is what they said true? That you can’t sail anymore? – Zoro
Luffy quickly understood this, even though it pained him tremendously, while Usopp was not ready to let go, and rightly so. At the end of things, Usopp and Luffy both had to come to terms with the fact that the ship was not going to set sail, and when it pulled off a miracle and rescued them from Enies Lobby, it had essentially lived out its life and crumbled apart in the Grand Line. The Straw Hat Pirates’ ship ended up sinking to the bottom of the ocean, and, at that point, it was clear that the crew needed a new vessel. Thankfully, Franky, who ended up becoming a new member of the Straw Hat Pirates, crafted a state-of-the-art ship for the crew, known as the Thousand Sunny.

The Thousand Sunny is crafted using Adam Wood, which is a very rare type of wood that can only be found in Elbaf. This wood is incredibly resistant, and essentially ensures that the Sunny can be the ship of dreams that Franky wants it to be. That said, the Sunny isn’t indestructible and can crumble if the Straw Hats ever face doom.
Will The Straw Hats Get A New Ship?
The Chances Of The Straw Hats Getting A New Ship Are Close To 0

The question of whether the Straw Hats are going to get a new ship in the Final Saga or not is quite an interesting one. The answer to this question can be both a yes and a no, but, depending on what one means by a new ship. If fans are wondering whether the Thousand Sunny is going to be destroyed and that the Straw Hat Pirates are going to get a completely new ship, then, the answer is obviously going to be no. The Thousand Sunny is here to stay and there is absolutely no way that the ship is going to be replaced in One Piece. After all, the Thousand Sunny has been crafted using Adam Wood, which is the same wood that Roger had his Oro Jackson crafted using. If that’s not enough, then, fans should consider the fact that the Thousand Sunny is the ship of dreams for Franky, and it is directly connected to his goal of sailing the ship across all the seeds of the world.
Franky, these are the blueprints for Pluton. Just In case the weapon falls into the wrong hands. – Tom
The destruction of the Thousand Sunny would be a major blow for Yonko Luffy, but at the same time, it would essentially destroy Franky’s dream. Simply put, there is absolutely no way that the Straw Hat Pirates will ever lose the Thousand Sunny. This ship is special, and it has already served an onslaught by powerful Emperors, such as Big Mom. Added to that is the fact that the symbolism of the ship being connected to the Sun God Nika also exists. Regardless of what happens in One Piece, the Thousand Sunny will stay intact. But, despite the Thousand Sunny not ever being replaced, the Straw Hats can still get a new ship, only this ship will come in the form of major upgrades.
The Future Upgrades Of The Sunny
The Sunny Can Be Upgraded Upon In The Future

The Thousand Sunny might not get replaced, but that certainly doesn’t mean that it can’t be improved. Franky, whom fans know to be a genius, always comes up with new inventions, and even after the timeskip, fans saw him make amends to the Sunny and improve upon it greatly. Now, fans expect Franky to do something similar in the Final Saga, and it is highly likely that an upgrade will be needed here. As fans know, the final saga of One Piece will see another major ship being introduced, and that ship is named Pluton. If Pluton falls into the wrong hands, then, fans will potentially have to see a deterrent from the side of the Strawhat Pirates of their own. For instance, if Pluton falls into the hands of the World Government, then, Franky’s knowledge of the ship could come in handy.
Similarly, Blackbeard could get his hands on the Pluton as well, and once again, to balance things out, the Straw Hats might need a deterrent of their own. Franky could potentially turn the Sunny into a second Pluton, and, this makes even more sense when taking into consideration the fact that Pluton, although I’m a weapon of mass destruction, is supposed to be used in a specific way that isn’t evil. As such, it is entirely possible for the Straw Hat Pirates’s ship to receive major upgrades in the Final Saga, not necessarily in the form of Pluton, but otherwise as well.
Given that all the Straw Hats are growing stronger, it would make sense for the Sunny to grow stronger as well. In fact, these major upgrades could potentially come in the Elbaf arc itself, given that Adam Wood actually is derived from this particular part of the world. Right now, they are right where they should be, and if the Sunny is to be upgraded, this is the place where they need to get it done.