Jilabi is a romantic and psychological film that revolves around the complex relationships between its main characters. The story begins with Prasad (played by Prasad O), a young man searching for stability in both his personal and professional life. He is somewhat introverted, but his life begins to change when he meets and faces challenges in his romantic relationships with two important women in his life.
Swapnil J plays Swapna, a woman who brings peace and true love to Prasad’s life. However, their relationship is not simple, as they both have to deal with misunderstandings, conflicts, and issues from their past. Meanwhile, Shivani S portrays another woman, who could be a friend or business partner of Prasad. He feels a special connection with her, and this relationship causes Prasad to experience internal conflict between love and responsibility.
The film is not just a straightforward love story; it is a journey of self-discovery for Prasad as he faces the dilemma of choosing between intertwined emotions and the things he values most in life. At the same time, Parna P plays a supporting character who helps resolve tensions within the family and friendships, adding necessary details to the development of the story.