
How much more powerful is the Legendary Super Saiyan transformation than the regular Super Saiyan transformation?

The LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN is much, much powerful than the Regular Super Saiyan.

The Regular Super Saiyan is only 50x. Train hard your Body and you might be able to push beyond the power of 50x up to 100x (Super Saiyan 2).

If you’re someone who would be willing to squeeze every bit of power in your Body to push further, you might reach a level beyond Super Saiyan 2, which most of us calls it Super Saiyan 3 (400x).

The Regular Super Saiyan however, relies entirely greatly to the strength of your Base form. If your Base is low, then the output power of your multiplier will also be low.

Every Saiyans differ in Base Strengths. Similar to us humans, we don’t share the same strengths. Thus, we see some Saiyan who are only in Super Saiyan but is capable to go toe-to-toe with a Super Saiyan 2.

One doesn’t need too much Multipliers to increase strength. One may only improve their Base and they can gain power comparable to a Super Saiyan 2 or even 3. In fact, that is better in terms of Efficiency and is good in long-term.

While the Multiplier is a great way to immediately boost power in short-term basis.. the downside of Multipliers is that it is directly proportional to the multiplier of the Stamina Burn.

Hence, if the SSJ2 is 100x, then the Stamina burn is also 100x. If your Stamina is weak.. you won’t be able to sustain SSJ2 too long, and it will drain you out. Forcing you to power down making you invulnerable (instead of giving you an advantage).

Now, why am I explaining to you these Multipliers? Because the LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN is NOT following the static multiplier principle of the Regular Super Saiyan.

The LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN’s power is Exponential. It doesn’t multiply your base one time (unlike that of the Regular Super Saiyan). It keeps multiplying the base resulting to a constant bursting out and increase / spike in Power.

We had seen this in the DBS BROLY Movie where Goku and Vegeta were surprised heavily when Broly’s Power Level keep spiking up… to the point that it managed to catch them even in their most powerful godly forms.

The EXPONENTIAL increase of the LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN is the only Logical explanation we can have for Broly’s immense power level.

We cannot apply to Broly the regular approach as its impossible for him to have such a huge Base that will allow him to immediately rise to godly levels, and compete to years of training that Goku and Vegeta had done to rise in such competency.

This is why the LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN is fearsome. Its power is INFINITE. Resulting to an ever increasing spikes of power as it keeps multiplying the new Base.

The only downside of this Legendary Transformation is the physical Body of the user.

According to Vegeta, the first legendary super saiyan died from his own Power level.

What does that mean? It means that the Legendary Super Saiyan wasn’t able to contain the enormous surge of its power. Resulting to his own death.

The physical body isn’t meant to hold infinite levels of energy. The Body is like a bucket that can only contain water depending how big it is.

If the Bucket is small, then it can only hold small amount of water. However if the Bucket is big, it can hold more water on it.

The amount of water the bucket can hold depends how big the bucket only is. Now, imagine that the flowing water is the amount of Ki being multiplied and the Bucket is the physical body. The energy (or water) will keep overflowing, and the Body will continue to be exhausted, unable to keep up. A body that is in constant exhaustion will definitely give up… and die.

Similarly to a Battery… if you keep pouring electricity/power to the Battery, the Battery will overload and its going to explode if you keep surging power or electricity in it, that the battery can only contain or hold.

The concept of the overflowing electricity in the battery or overloading is the downside of the LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN.

If the Saiyan’s body isn’t capable to contain the ever increasing power surge brought by the constant multiplier effect of LSSJ, the saiyan will die via exploding.

Imagine the Battery as the Body, and the Electricity is the Ki that flows through it. If the Body cannot withstand the surge, the Body will explode.

Broly, due to harsh environment he grew up, provided him the Body to contain the power surge of the LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN form. But because he wasn’t trained to use it, he is being overwhelmed by the surge and he goes into power drunk, resulting into him becoming Berserk.

Without Broly’s huge and strong Body, he would not be able to contain the Power physically. But his mind could not keep up.

What Broly needs now is a strong mind to control his power surge.

DBS chapter 101 shows us that Goku and Vegeta is training him to hold that power. Saiyans helping each other to grow is a win-win situation for them.

Broly learning to control his power, and a saiyan that continuously increase in power level, is a good sparring partner to push Goku and Vegeta beyond their limits.

Back then, Goku and Vegeta were already reaching a plateau since they’re starting to get used to the power level of each other. So, their growth is somewhat being slowed down.

But with someone as powerful as Broly, who could keep rising in Power, they find a good sparring partner that can help them keep rising too in new levels as Broly keeps getting stronger as well.


The legendary Super Saiyan is much, much powerful than the Regular Super Saiyan due to its continuous multiplier effect to the User. Unlike the Regular one, that only have its multiplier one-time only in effect.

While the Legendary Super Saiyan is INFINITE. It will keep growing exponentially. The downside however of the Legendary Super Saiyan is that, due to power surge… the saiyan unable to control the flow of power will eventually die (if not controlled).

if the surge of power isn’t contained or controlled. A Body that continuously burst out energy in exponential levels will make the Body exhausted. A Body that is in constant stress and with no rest due to constant overflowing of energy / power will eventually give up and surrender, causing the Body to have total shutdown (Death).

Unlike the Regular Super Saiyan whose only risk is the Stamina (which can only drain the Body if not strong enough to hold the surging power brought by multiplying it). You will just be forced to power down when the Body is no longer capable to keep up unlike the LSSJ wherein you’re under the threat of exploding.

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