US Pushes Boeing F-15EX To Indian Air Force, A Mighty Powerful Fighter Aircraft That IAF Is Exploring: OPED

India’s 114 Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA), the likely mother-of-all-deals, continues to blow-hot-blow-cold. The Indian Air Force (IAF) is down to 31 fighter squadrons vis-à-vis authorized 42 and actually…

India is interested in Mirage-2000: Mirage 2000 – Multi-role fighter aircraft affirms technological excellence.

The Mirage 2000 is a highly capable and technologically advanced multirole combat aircraft developed and manufactured by Dassault Aviation of France. First introduced in the late 1970s, the…

Pitched To Indian Navy, Germany Developed AIP Submarine Navigates Below Arctic Ice For The First Time

A conventionally-powered Portuguese attack submarine manufactured by Germany’s Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) recently concluded its first voyage under the Arctic ice. A German submarine has also been pitched to…