One Piece fans recently rejoiced at the return of the manga with chapter 1131 after a 3-week-long hiatus. However, this joy was incredibly short-lived, as yesterday, it was confirmed through the official sources of Viz Media that One Piece will now be going on yet another hiatus, and fans would have to wait for 3 weeks for One Piece chapter 1132.
Naturally, this was a major shock to the fans, and quite a lot of them were confused as to why this major change was taking place.
Understandably, there was no reason provided to the fans since break schedules are usually announced during the release of a new Jump Issue. The fact that Oda was planning to release a chapter this week and suddenly decided to go on a break was confusing to many readers. However, now, there has been yet another major update in an exciting turn of events, and it seems like One Piece chapter 1132 will be out sooner than fans had imagined, much to the relief of all the readers.
One Piece Chapter 1132 Delay Scare Confused Fans

One Piece Was Revealed To Be On Break For 3 More Weeks
MangaPlus Updates One Piece Release Date
One Piece Chapter 1132 was previously believed to be set for a release on December 1, 2024. This was a major disappointment to the fans who had waited 3 weeks for Oda to publish a new chapter. While the wait was certainly going to be hard and excruciatingly long, what was even more worrying was the fact that this could have had something to do with Oda’s health. Usually, Oda has his own schedule for breaks. After every three chapters, the author takes a break, and then returns with another three chapters, unless there is a break from Jump to interrupt the schedule somewhere in between. Sometimes, Oda takes a break after two chapters, but this is very rare. That said, even this break schedule isn’t a reason for concern among the fans because it is usually announced with the release of a new Jump Issue.
I have no fear of running out of manga ideas. I am confident that if I think hard, I can come up with good ideas. There is only the battle to keep my lifespan from running out before One Piece reaches the final chapter. – Oda
This time around, however, Oda was fully set on dropping a One Piece chapter on November 17th, 2024. However, suddenly, it was revealed to the fans that One Piece chapter 1132 will drop on December 1, 2024. This change came directly from Manga Plus, which is the most trusted source of information that readers can have. Naturally, the fans started to wonder about Oda’s health, and there were even rumors surrounding his deteriorating health condition, specifically a remarkably low drop in blood pressure. Of course, all this was just a rumor and it was confirmed earlier today that One Piece is going to be out much sooner than December 1. At the same time, this also confirms to the fans that Oda is fine and there is absolutely nothing wrong with his health at all.
One Piece Chapter 1132 Release Date Updated
One Piece Chapter 1132 Is Set For A Release On November 17

After a major scare that led fans to believe that One Piece would be released in December, another major turn of events has taken place. Earlier today, Manga Plus and Viz Media, the official sources of One Piece, updated the release date of chapter 1132 once again. Now, it has officially been confirmed that One Piece chapter 1132 will be released right on schedule. This means that there is not going to be another break before the next chapter of One Piece hits, and that One Piece chapter 1132 is going to drop on November 17th, 2024. This also confirms that there is absolutely nothing wrong with Oda and that the news was only an error on the part of someone at Manga Plus. It is also possible that something was wrong with Oda, but that it was not a major cause of concern, which led to the publication of chapter 1132 being brought back to the usual release date.
Fans can breathe a sigh of relief because One Piece is set to continue the Elbaf Arc later this week, which means it is time to be excited about Luffy and Loki’s meeting concluding and, at the same time, Robin and Saul’s reunion as well. There is a lot that fans can finally start looking forward to once again, and above all, readers can be glad that Oda is fine and in good health.
Of course, this has been a very confusing time for One Piece fans, especially because of the lack of information about what exactly is going on with the manga and whether something is wrong with Oda’s health. Hopefully, the next few days are going to make things clear to all the fans, and readers can only hope for good news.
Is One Piece Going On A Break Again?
As Of Now, One Piece Is Following The Usual Schedule

As has been indicated by Manga Plus, the most trusted source in the business, One Piece chapter 1132 is set to be released right on time. There is no delay, which means that One Piece is not going to go on any break this week. Of course, there is still no clarity on what exactly caused the scare yesterday. There is also no clarity on whether the publish date that was released by Manga Plus today is truly the real one or not. All fans know is that Manga Plus has updated the release date of One Piece chapter 1132 back to November 17th, and this is surely a major reason for fans to celebrate.
But, that said, fans are still worried because leaks usually start flowing in around this time, and there has been absolutely nothing out about One Piece 1132, which leads many to believe that One Piece chapter 1132 might not be released this week after all. That said, this is all speculation, and fans know from official sources that the manga’s next chapter is planned for November 17, 2024, officially, which means that scanlation should drop around some point by November 15th, 2024.
Fans can only hope that everything is going to go exactly as planned, and that One Piece going on another hiatus was nothing more than a scare. Of course, as always, GameRant will keep updating fans on this issue, so make sure to keep checking the website. If there are any major changes made to the release date of the upcoming One Piece chapter or if news concerning Oda’s health breaks out, then, fans can expect to find all information here.
One Piece Chapter 1132 New Release Date