The story begins with the protagonist, seemingly leading a normal, stable life. However, their reality begins to crack when strange occurrences start happening—events that they can’t fully explain or make sense of. As the protagonist experiences vivid hallucinations, distorted perceptions of reality, and unsettling interactions with those around them, they start questioning their own identity. Their once-clear sense of who they are is now clouded with confusion and paranoia. The people in their life—family, friends, and colleagues—begin to behave oddly, further distorting the protagonist’s perception of reality.
The trailer hints at a deeper, more sinister force at work, as the protagonist is tormented by the unsettling thought that someone—or something—is trying to steal their identity. The cryptic phrase “You are not me” echoes throughout the film, symbolizing the protagonist’s growing belief that they are being replaced or manipulated by an unknown force. This theme of identity theft goes beyond the physical, as the protagonist is haunted by the fear that they are losing control of their own mind.
As the film progresses, the protagonist is drawn into a deadly game, where they must fight to uncover the truth behind the disturbing events unfolding in their life. Is it all in their mind, or is there a deeper conspiracy at play? The protagonist’s search for answers leads them to a series of unsettling discoveries, where they begin to question not just the people around them, but their own existence. As their world spirals further into chaos, they struggle to distinguish what’s real from what’s imagined, and the stakes grow higher with every new revelation.