In the world of One Piece, Devil Fruits provide some of the greatest powers someone can possess.
With abilities that grant the power to generate earth-shattering quakes, to others that let you turn all your enemies to stone, a strong Devil Fruit may be the most fearsome thing an enemy can have. At times, especially with One Piece’s Logia Devil Fruits, it may seem like a certain Devil Fruit can make enemies feel almost unbeatable.
However, it seems that most Devil Fruits in One Piece have at least one natural counter or weakness. While the power of Haki can punch through any Devil Fruits in its way, these counters don’t require Haki at all. In fact, for some abilities, without the use of Haki, these natural counters may be the only way to defeat these Devil Fruits. Here are the most powerful Devil Fruits in One Piece and their natural counters.
One Piece Devil Fruits Have Natural Counters
Fire Beats Grass, Water Beats Fire

When it comes to Devil Fruits in their counters in One Piece, sometimes it comes down to elemental differences in ability. Water beats fire, earth beats lightning, and so on, following similar rules to a show like Pokémon. For example, Crocodile and his Sand-Sand Fruit were defeated after he was solidified using water. Many fruits follow this principle, but some others are just circumstantial counters to other Devil Fruits.
The Magma-Magma Fruit Vs The Flame-Flame Fruit
Magma Burns Out Flames

While it may not seem like it at first, Akainu’s Magma-Magma Fruit is a direct counter to the Flame-Flame Fruit. As was shown in One Piece’s Marineford Arc, the magma of Akainu’s fruit was easily able to smother and burn hotter than Ace’s flames, almost completely negating its power. Additionally, as is evident with other cases, such as the punch that Ace and Akainu before the fateful moment of Ace’s demise, it was shown that Akainu’s magma was able to burn Ace’s hand, showing that the Magma-Magma Fruit may directly beat the Flame-Flame Fruit.
You’re just fire. My magma can burn even you!
The Human-Human Fruit: Model Nika Versus The Rumble-Rumble Fruit
Rubber Insulates Lightning

One of the worst and most one-sided matchups in all of One Piece would have to go to Luffy versus Enel. With Enel’s Rumble-Rumble Fruit making him a lightning logia user, against any other enemy, Enel would logically have been able to easily win. However, Luffy, being made of rubber, was able to easily hit Enel and was impervious to all of his lightning-based attacks. While Enel was still able to attack Luffy with super-heated metal, this was far too little to stop the captain of the Straw Hats.
The Revive-Revive Fruit Versus The Soul-Soul Fruit
A Powerful Soul Dominates Lesser Souls

Brook’s Devil Fruit, the Revive-Revive Fruit, is an interesting case, providing Brook not only a second chance at life but also limited control of the abilities of the underworld. This includes ice-based attacks and limited control over the souls of less-powerful beings. Big Mom, who uses her Soul-Soul Fruit to control an army of Homies, is technically naturally countered by Brook’s powerful soul, as demonstrated during the Whole Cake Island Arc, when he was able to easily dispatch a whole group of her Homies with his abilities. Although he can’t defeat the strongest Homies, if Brook was a stronger character, this would be an easy fight.
Soul King will rest those souls!
Fujitora Destroys the Love-Love Fruit
Unaffected By Beauty

Finally, although this isn’t a direct Devil Fruit counter, the Navy Admiral Fujitora would be an excellent matchup for the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock. Since her power to instantly petrify relies on the target finding her beautiful, being blind, Fujitora would have a much easier time circumventing this ability. Additionally, although Hancock can still turn things to stone through touch and projectiles, Fujitora could use the gravity powers of the Press-Press Fruit to easily keep his distance.
On top of these, here are miscellaneous counters to some of One Piece’s Devil Fruits that aren’t as interesting as the above entries:
- Any fire-based Devil Fruit counters Monet’s Snow-Snow Fruit
- Any fire-based Devil Fruit counters Galdino’s Wax-Wax Fruit
- Corazon’s Calm-Calm Fruit counters Scratchman Apoo’s Tone-Tone Fruit
- Buggy’s Chop-Chop Fruit counters Daz Bones Dice-Dice Fruit
In the end, this interesting system of Devil Fruits provides a world full of natural counters that can give weaker enemies a chance against even the strongest characters in One Piece. While this isn’t a complete list of natural counters in One Piece, overall it’s meant to provide a few examples of how the concept works. In the end, although a character like Brook will never beat Big Mom in a direct fight, it’s nice to know that his Devil Fruit will give him a fighting chance.