The universe of One Piece, created by the celebrated author Eiichiro Oda, is in constant evolution.
Throughout the years, fans of the series have learned that the story of Luffy and his friends can take a drastic turn at any given moment. Due to this, the enormous and active fandom of the series is continuously posting theories about what might happen next.
Recently, one of these intricate theories has been causing alarm across the fandom, as this hypothesis points to the beloved Straw Hat cook, Sanji, dying soon. While the evidence presented is compelling and outstandingly well-redacted, the community wonders if this tragic fate will befall the prince of the Germa Kingdom.
Sanji Could Die Before The End of the Series
The Theory Proposes Sanji Could Not Reach Laugh Tale
So there’s a theory that all the sanji fans avoid talking about but believe in it deep down…
so as the biggest sanji fan i gathered my courage and finally decided to talk about it 😭
A THREAD 🧵 (Just a theory)
— Boa (@robikaran) November 18, 2024
The theory, submitted to social media by the user @Robikaran, has studied the many ominous details that could indicate Sanji might die during future chapters of the One Piece manga. The fan took as a main argument the connection between the Straw Hat cook and the number four, which is strongly tied with death in Japan (they are both pronounced as “shi”). Robikaran noticed that Sanji was not only the fourth official member of Luffy’s crew, but he also almost always had the fourth-highest bounty among the Straw Hats, with him currently occupying this spot. Moreover, he was the fourth child of Vinsmoke Judge.
Sanji being so constantly linked with the number four has raised concerns among fans, yet it is not the only piece of evidence found in the manga. During chapter #495 of the series, as Sanji argues with his less-appealing doppelgänger Duval, Robin makes an unrelated comment about him having a fascinating death. While Robin making such jokes is a running gag, this one could be a hint about Sanji’s final fate. Similarly, in the special illustration of chapter #692, Brook is seen pointing at the number 3 of a clock as Zoro attempts to stop him.
The musician being an undead skeleton could be considered a bad omen that brings death, according to Japanese tradition. Despite Sanji not being directly associated with the number three, his name indeed contains the Japanese word for it, “san”. This odd detail could signify the cook’s impending doom down the line, something that Zoro is actively trying to avoid. During the Land of Wano arc, Sanji made the swordsman promise that he would kill him if he ever became a monster. Zoro replied by telling his friend that he should not die until then, a specific and ominous reply.
Sanji Is Too Important To Be Killed Before The Ending
Oda Would Likely Not Kill A Fan-Favorite Character

Robikaran’s theory, while compelling and well-researched, failed to take into account one of the core tenets of the One Piece franchise. One of the main traits fans have noticed about Oda’s writing is his unwillingness to kill beloved characters, no matter how certain their doom may seem. The manga creator has talked about his refusal to kill his heroes in the past, as he prefers to focus on happy and hopeful moments rather than tragedies. As such, the idea of killing such a beloved character as Sanji is not something Oda would normally consider.
The series has not killed secondary characters such as Bon Clay or Gecko Moria, who are not nearly as beloved as the Straw Hats cook. Ending the life of one of the series’ best characters when the ending of the series draws near would be a risky and counterproductive move. This in no way takes away from the compelling investigation made by the author of the theory, as their hypothesis does make sense.
While the prediction of Sanji’s death might make for an entertaining and intriguing reading, One Piece fans can be safe in the knowledge that their favorite cook is most likely safe. Nevertheless, such an amazing theory is proof of the dedication, love, and talent that followers of Oda’s work possess.