“OPERATION BLOOD HUNT” (2024) is a chilling horror-action thriller that takes viewers on a blood-soaked, suspense-filled journey. The story unfolds as an international criminal organization is behind a series of brutal murders and large-scale money laundering operations. Their tracks are expertly covered, making it almost impossible for authorities to catch them.
A special task force is assembled with the mission of investigating and dismantling the criminal network. Leading the team is Khanh, a seasoned veteran with years of experience in covert operations. Alongside his team, Khanh follows the trail of evidence, facing constant danger as they inch closer to uncovering the true culprits behind the killings.
However, as the team gets closer to their target, they realize that a far darker force is at play—something far more dangerous than anything they’ve faced before. The evidence points them toward a terrifying supernatural entity, capable of swiftly and mercilessly killing its victims. This creature can shape-shift, moving undetected like a shadow, making it impossible for the team to tell friend from foe.
As Khanh’s team is relentlessly attacked and several members are slaughtered, he understands that this is no longer just a battle against criminals, but a deadly confrontation with a supernatural being beyond comprehension. In a world of betrayal, chaos, and life-or-death decisions, Khanh and his team must figure out how to stop the creature before they, too, become its next victims.
“OPERATION BLOOD HUNT” is more than just a manhunt—it’s an intense battle between humans and an unfathomable supernatural force. With the rules of life and death no longer clear, every decision made by the characters becomes a matter of survival.