Shanks is one of the most important characters in One Piece, and while fans believed him to be just a Yonko who would eventually go on to test Luffy’s full powers at the end of the series, he has proven to be much more than just that. It has been made abundantly clear in the story that Shanks has more importance than just being an obstacle for Luffy to overcome.
After all, he was recently revealed to be of Celestial Dragon lineage, and his family, the Figarland family, is one of the most important groups in the entire story. More than that, Shanks has a very powerful father, and at the same time, as was revealed recently, a very strong twin brother as well. When it comes to the latter, fans absolutely can’t wait to see his true level of strength, and while the full extent of his powers remains to be seen, Oda has already hinted at it in many ways.
Who Is Shanks’s Brother?

Shanks’s Brother Was First Shown In One Piece 907
Shanks’s Brother Showed Up In Elbaf
Shanks having a twin brother was confirmed to the fans in One Piece chapter 1134. Fans had been wondering whether Shanks has a twin brother for quite a while now. After all, Oda started teasing this character immediately after the Wano Country Arc. When Dragon first spoke of the God’s Knights, fans could see the silhouette of an individual who looked just like Shanks. This silhouette came up recently in One Piece. Once again in One Piece chapter 1121, which was part of the Egghead Arc, fans saw an individual with a saber sword, the same kind the Shanks carries, and with an appearance that matched that of Shanks. More than that, fans saw the Kuma flashback, where Saint Garling specifically referred to his children and asked them to observe him in combat. The fact that Garling had more than just one child goes on to confirm the Shanks has siblings and fans knew that this moment would come sooner rather than later.
I want to talk to you about a certain pirate. – Shanks’s Twin
In One Piece chapter 1134, fans saw a massive bolt of black lightning strike a castle in Elbaf Village. Inside the castle, a massive summoning circle was seen, out of which two hooded individuals emerged, both of whom were members of the God’s Knights. One of them is an unknown woman, who is clearly a new character, but the other one bears an appearance exactly like that of Shanks. It is now clear to the fans that this is the same individual who met the Elders in One Piece chapter 907 and that it wasn’t actually Shanks who visited them. Shanks’s brother has now officially been introduced in the story, and it is going to be very interesting to see how this plotline proceeds from here onwards, and what exactly he is here to do on Elbaf.
How Strong Is Shanks’s Brother?
Shanks’s Brother Should Be As Strong As A Yonko

When one speaks of the strength of Shanks’s brother, nothing can be said for certain. However, that doesn’t mean that fans can’t extrapolate based on what information has been provided to them so far. The very first thing that fans can go off of is the fact that Dragon clearly stated that the God’s Knights are strong. Dragon suggested that the real battle for them has not begun against the Government just yet.
According to him, the real test would be when the God’s Knights descend from Marijoa. The fact that Dragon clearly stated that the God’s Knights would provide a crucial test for the Revolutionary Army is proof of the fact that all of them are very powerful. Secondly, Shanks’s brother, who was portrayed by Dragon to be at the forefront of things when it came to the God’s Knights, must be very powerful, because otherwise, this placement wouldn’t really make sense for him. This clearly points to fans that this character is very powerful. However, more than that, fans know that Shanks’s brother is the son of Garling Figarland.
Our real battle begins once the God’s Knights make their move. – Dragon
St Garling himself is known to be Champion of God Valley, and he is now a member of the Five Elders. His strength is absolutely impeccable, and fans know that Shanks himself is very powerful as well. Clearly, there is a bloodline element at play here, and all of them possess tremendous strength up their sleeves. It would be bizarre to assume that Shanks’s brother is any weaker because all of them are clearly monsters in terms of combat. The fact that this brother is also a twin of Shanks also indicates that he possesses a similar level of proficiency in combat and a very high level of strength. This character could be the Supreme Commander of the God’s Knights right now, and fans absolutely can’t wait to see him in action.
Is Shanks’s Brother Elbaf’s Main Antagonist?
It Appears He Will Stand In Luffy’s Path

The question of whether Shanks’s brother is the main antagonist of Elbaf or not remains to be answered. Clearly, upon first look, fans might assume that this character is the main antagonist of the arc, and that might as well be true. But, the way Oda has portrayed this particular development in the story should make fans wonder. These two individuals have just shown up in Elbaf, and even though they are very strong, they are likely not strong enough to take on an entire country of Giants. It must be remembered that the Giants are the strongest race in the world of One Piece. On top of that, there is an entire Yonko crew present on Elbaf as well, and for any individual, as strong as they might be, taking on such a massive force is practically impossible. This suggests that their goals on Elbaf are more strategic than just fighting those in front of them.
The clear idea here is that they have been sent to Elbaf by someone else. Given that only the Five Elders have the power to open up portals so far, it is highly likely that one of them was responsible for this development in the story. The goal could be to send a threatening message to Elbaf pertaining to Nika, and this might just be the beginning of a storm heading Elbaf’s way. Perhaps, the Government plans to declare war on Elbaf, and their warning is to turn Luffy in, or face total destruction. Shanks’s twin brother could either go on an all-out assault here on Elbaf, which certainly wouldn’t make much sense, given that he is not going to be strong enough to take down an entire country, including a Yonko, by himself, or, he could deliver this message and then return with an even bigger force later, and possibly even the Ancient Weapon Uranus at his back.

It is unclear as to what the strategy here is, but fans absolutely cannot wait to see the path that Oda has taken. What can be said for sure is that Shanks and his brother are getting more interesting by the second, and fans absolutely can’t wait to see Luffy’s reaction to this individual, and, if they do go on to fight, the result of this battle.