Raya 2 – The Last Dragon Stand is the highly anticipated sequel to Disney’s 2021 hit animated film, Raya and the Last Dragon, directed by Carlos López Estrada and Don Hall. The film continues the legendary story of Raya (voiced by Kelly Marie Tran), the brave princess of the kingdom of Corazón, who previously saved her land from ancient evil forces known as the Druun. However, the peace and unity she fought for are once again threatened by a new and greater danger to the world.
Set several years after the events of the first film, Raya 2 begins by exploring a lost kingdom that holds the secrets of an ancient and powerful power: the Heartstone of the Last Dragon. This stone is said to have the ability to control both life and death, and is either the key to eternal peace or the ultimate weapon for destruction. When a mysterious feudal lord named Karnak (voice of Oscar Isaac) and his dark army set their sights on the stone, the fragile alliance between the kingdoms of Heart, Fang, Tail, and Thorn begins to unravel.
Now a seasoned warrior, Raya sets out on a dangerous quest to stop Karnak and prevent the Last Dragon’s Heartstone from falling into the wrong hands. She is accompanied by her loyal friends—Sisu (voice of Awkwafina), the last surviving dragon, and Boun (voice of Izaac Wang), a skilled ferryman—along with new allies who have their own reasons for fighting. Along the way, Raya must confront her deepest fears and doubts, especially regarding trust and unity, realizing that true strength lies not in ancient magic, but in the bonds she shares with others.
As the stakes rise and the battles become more intense, Raya 2 explores themes of leadership, sacrifice, and the complexity of rebuilding a broken world. Featuring stunning animation, thrilling action sequences and a moving narrative, the film promises to be a powerful continuation of Raya’s journey as she faces the ultimate challenge: uniting the world against the enemy that threatens to destroy everything she has fought to protect.
The film also delves into the rich mythology of the world of Kumandra, introducing new characters, mystical creatures and exciting settings to explore. Karnak is a formidable villain with his own tragic backstory, and his desire for power adds layers to the conflict, heightening the tension for both Raya and the audience. Raya 2 – The Last Dragon Stand is set to be a legendary adventure that will delight fans of the first film, while offering a more thrilling and emotional experience.