GANMAN is a thrilling action film centered around Jack Caine (Jason Statham), a professional assassin who decides to retire after years of being immersed in the dark underworld. However, his past refuses to let him go when a notorious crime syndicate relentlessly hunts Jack down, forcing him to take on one last mission.
When Jack refuses, he discovers he has become the target of other assassins, sparking a dangerous manhunt. To protect himself and those he loves, Jack must confront deadly conspiracies and uncover a dark secret tied to the organization that once employed him.
The film delivers breathtaking action sequences, intense chases, and a gripping battle of wits between Jack and his dangerous enemies. GANMAN is not just a story of revenge and redemption but also a journey of self-discovery for a man caught between the lines of good and evil.
The movie promises edge-of-your-seat thrills and showcases Jason Statham at his finest in an iconic action-packed role.