
The T-72: A Mainstay of the Indian Army’s Main Battle Tank Fleet

Overview of India’s Main Battle Tanks.

The Indian Armed Forces utilize several key main battle tank (MBT) models to meet their diverse combat requirements. The main MBT systems in service include:

Arjun – This is an indigenously designed and produced main battle tank that entered service in 2004 after a lengthy development process. The Arjun features advanced capabilities such as composite armor, fire control systems, and a 120mm rifled gun, making it one of the most advanced MBTs operated by the Indian Army.

T-90S/T-90MS – Heavily upgraded versions of the Soviet-origin T-90 tank, these have been acquired from Russia starting in the 2000s. The T-90S/MS provides the Indian Army with a capable, modern main battle tank equipped with thermal imaging, automatic target tracking, and other sophisticated systems.

T-72 – An older Soviet-designed tank that forms the backbone of the Indian Army’s armored forces. Upgraded variants like the Ajeya and T-72M1 have enhanced the T-72’s firepower and protection capabilities, allowing this legacy platform to remain a crucial component of India’s tank fleet.

While newer MBT models like the indigenous Arjun and the imported T-90S/MS have entered service, the venerable T-72 continues to make up a substantial portion of India’s main battle tank inventory due to its reliability, capabilities, and cost-effectiveness. Ongoing upgrades have helped extend the operational lifespan of this Soviet-era design and maintain its relevance on the modern battlefield.

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