
One Piece: Oda Reveals The Backstory Of The Bonney Pirates

One Piece: Oda Reveals The Backstory Of The Bonney Pirates

One Piece volume 109 SBS has answered quite a lot of exciting questions for the fans, and, naturally, given that the story is currently focused on the characters of Kuma and Bonney, fans had a lot they wanted to know about them, and some other bits clarified pertaining to these characters. As such, a few questions in the current SBS were surrounding these characters and the lives that they led up until this point in the story.

Specifically, a few fans wanted to know about Bonney’s powers, how they work, and of course, how Bonney found the crew that she eventually sailed with. These questions were, clearly, answered in the manga as well, but those who need further clarification can look up Oda’s answers for these questions.

Oda Explains The Powers Of The Toshi Toshi no Mi

The Toshi Toshi no Mi’s Powers Are Not Permanent

Fans always wanted to know the nature and powers of Bonney’s Devil Fruit, as it is one of the most overpowered fruits that they have seen, even before the true nature of its powers was revealed. Before the timeskip, fans knew that all this fruit could do was alter the ages of people. Bonney could turn anyone into an old person or a toddler. She could freely alter ages including her own, which often allowed her to infiltrate places, and at other times, granted her strength. These were the powers of Bonney’s age-related devil fruit that fans knew before the time skip. However, once One Piece started focusing on Bonney more, that is, specifically after the events of the Wano Country arc, fans found out the true nature of this Devil Fruit and how it works.

It was clarified that Bonney’s fruit is not age-related, but a future-related fruit. Bonney can essentially access any future from a different timeline as long as she believes in it. This is accessible to her using the power of distorted future, which fans have seen on many occasions in the story already. The ability to alter people’s ages is only one part of this Devil Fruit. One fan particularly wanted to know how Bonney’s age-related manipulation works, and Oda provided them with an answer in SBS volume 109. Here is what Oda had to say:

Question: Bonney’s Devil Fruit is the “Age-Age Fruit” which makes her “Age Manipulation Human” right? Does this mean if she keeps on maintaining their age young, they won’t be able to die?

Oda: So that’s how you think about it? But in Chapter 1072, Bonney said this: “When it comes to living things, the effectivity won’t last forever…” so at some point, effects will come undone.

Clearly, Bonney’s Devil Fruit is overpowered, but Oda has placed some limits on it. For instance, Bonney’s age manipulation powers are not permanent. After a certain amount of time, this age manipulation will be undone and Bonney’s targets will return to their normal ages. At the same time, Bonney cannot avoid death using her powers. Even if she makes herself young, Bonney’s powers will be undone at some point, which would then ensure that she ends up dying a death by natural causes, if she grows up to be old.

Oda Reveals The Relationship Between Bonney And Her Crew

The Bonney Pirates Are Former Friends Of Kuma And Ginny

Another interesting question that fans had in SBS volume 109 was about the Bonney Pirates. As fans know, Bonney did not have a pirate crew right from the get-go. She was living with Kuma completely indoors due to her Sapphire Scale Disease. However, once Vegapunk managed to cure her Sapphire Scale and the waiting period for the disease was over, Bonney set out to the sea to find her father. At this point, the men who had treated both Kuma and Ginny as their comrades decided to watch over her as if she were their own daughter. These men were first seen in the Kuma flashback in the Sorbet Kingdom.

They had a hostile relationship with Kuma and Ginny at first, but then they grew to be close friends. They were even fighting together, shielding each other’s backs, and it only made sense for them to serve Bonney too. Oda explains how they ended up becoming members of the Bonney Pirates, and what happened to them after.

QUESTION: In Chapter 1096, one of the two boys who threw rocks at Kuma wore a cowboy hat had freckles, and has the same looks as one of the members of Bonney’s pirate crew. Are they perhaps the same person?

Oda: Each one of them appeared in the Sorbet Kingdom. Also, each of them is depicted to have a crush on Ginny. Meaning, Bonney’s pirate crew is originally made up of Kuma’s friends, who were also strong fishermen who watched over Bonney’s growth. They will protect Bonney wholeheartedly like she’s their own daughter! Bonney was once captured by Akainu and escaped afterwards, without joining with Gyogyo and the others, she went alone find her father > Went to see her father at Mary Geoise > Escaped on the ship of Tajine Kingdom > Afterwards, infiltrated a government ship > Got close to Egghead and shipwrecked > Got rescued by Luffy and the others > “I’m gonna kill Vegapunk!” -> …. This was how it went down.

Essentially, fans do not know what exactly happened to the Bonney Pirates. Bonney is on her own right now, and she wanted to kill Vegapunk. Now, however, her target has changed. She has rescued the body of her father, and her anger towards Vegapunk is no more. She might still want to get her hands on the Five Elders and destroy them completely, and this is a new goal for her. As for what became of her pirate crew, fans do not know at all. They could be in captivity right now, or they could have managed to escape on their own. Either way, fans will have to wait to see what happened to them.

Will The Bonney Pirates Show Up Again?

The Bonney Pirates Might Be Relevant Once Again Later Down The Line

Of course, fans might be wondering whether the Bonney Pirates will show up in the story again or not. As things stand, the Bonney Pirates are not going to be active in any of the upcoming arcs. However, they might find their way into the story later down the line. Depending on what exactly happened to them, fans will get to see their fate as well. If they were locked up, then, perhaps a prison break will eventually happen and they will be freed.

Or, if they have already freed themselves, then, they might find themselves chasing after Bonney and reuniting with her at some point. Fans simply need to sit back and wait to see what exactly becomes of the Bonney Pirates. As things stand, Bonney and her pirate crew might be due a reunion later down the line in the Final Saga of One Piece.

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