From is a chilling psychological horror series that blends supernatural elements with tense, high-stakes drama. Set in a mysterious, isolated town, the show revolves around a group of people trapped in a nightmarish cycle. They are unable to escape, and every attempt to leave only leads them back to the same place. This town is a maze, and as night falls, it becomes an even more terrifying place to be, with strange, malevolent creatures stalking the streets and hunting its inhabitants.
The story begins when a group of people, whose reasons for being there remain unclear, find themselves trapped in an eerie town. No matter how hard they try, every attempt to leave leads them right back to where they started. The town itself seems like an inescapable trap, where time and space are distorted, making it impossible to get away. But what makes the situation even worse is that at night, terrifying creatures begin to emerge—dark, bloodthirsty entities that will stop at nothing to hunt down anyone in their path.
These creatures, while still shrouded in mystery, share one key feature: they cannot tolerate light and only come out after dark. Their true nature is unknown, but they are deadly, and anyone who encounters them risks becoming part of an endless nightmare. What’s worse is that it seems as if once you are attacked, you may never truly be free from their reach.