Under Paris (2024) is a thrilling horror film that takes viewers on a dangerous and mysterious journey beneath the streets of Paris. The story begins when a group of young explorers decides to venture into the secret, abandoned catacombs beneath the city – an ancient network of tunnels that has long been forgotten. However, their expedition quickly turns into a life-or-death struggle when they discover that the underground world is not just a dark maze, but also home to eerie spirits, strange creatures, and supernatural forces that have been hidden from the world for centuries.
The group, consisting of archaeologists, tourists, and thrill-seekers, starts the journey with excitement and curiosity. But as they venture deeper into the cold, shadowy tunnels, they uncover darker secrets than they could have ever imagined. Not only are the tunnels treacherous and difficult to navigate, but they also begin to experience strange noises, unsettling apparitions, and inexplicable supernatural events around them. They soon realize that beneath Paris, there exists a nightmarish world where vengeful spirits and bizarre creatures have been trapped for centuries.
As the group tries to find a way out, they discover that these forces are not only terrifying them but also manipulating their minds. Each decision they make in the dark labyrinth could lead to their demise. Whispers, disturbing visions, and grotesque beings stalk their every step, causing them to lose their grip on reality. Will they be able to escape these dark forces before it’s too late?