Moana 2 is an upcoming animated sequel by Walt Disney Animation Studios, set to release in theaters on November 27, 2024. The movie follows Moana as she embarks on a new adventure across the far seas of Oceania. This time, her mission involves exploring treacherous, long-lost waters, dealing with complicated curses, stormy seas, and familiar adversaries like the Kakamora.
Joining Moana (voiced by Auli‘i Cravalho) is Maui (Dwayne Johnson) and a fresh crew of seafarers. Notably, Moana now has a younger sister, Simea, adding emotional stakes to her journey. The film is directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, with music by Grammy-winning composers like Abigail Barlow and Mark Mancina, ensuring another musical treat for fans