“Riddick 4: Furya” marks the much-anticipated return of Vin Diesel as the iconic anti-hero Riddick. This fourth installment in the action sci-fi franchise is centered on Riddick’s journey back to his homeworld, Furya—a place he barely remembers. Upon his return, he discovers his fellow Furyans are fighting to survive against a new and deadly threat. The story also promises to delve into Riddick’s origins, offering insights into his backstory and the roots of his character’s unique abilities
Directed and written by David Twohy, the movie builds on the rich universe established in previous films like Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick, and Riddick. Production began in August 2024, with Diesel sharing glimpses of the set, hinting at an expansive, action-packed narrative
While the official teaser or trailer is not yet available, fans of the franchise can expect a continuation of the gritty, high-stakes adventures that define Riddick’s legacy. The film is expected to release in 2025