In 2023, 92-year-old Park Yeong Han, once a revered detective known as the “Columbo of Korea,” visits Jongnam Police Station to check on his grandson, Park Jun Seo, a rookie cop. The story shifts to Park Yeong Han’s early years in 1958, where he earned fame as a crimefighter in Gyeonggi Province. After transferring to Seoul’s Jongnam station, he confronts a powerful gang controlled by political connections and corruption. Undeterred, he uses his wit and experience to uncover smuggling operations and confront the systemic issues plaguing the police force.
Park Yeong-Han (Lee Je-Hoon) is a young detective from Hwangcheon. He becomes furious at the reality of human dignity being violated and he struggles to deal with it. He teams up with his colleague detectives at the Jongnam Police Station in Seoul.