In this sequel, John Carter, a former lieutenant in the U.S. Army, returns to the planet Mars (Barsoom) to face new challenges. After rescuing Queen Dejah Thoris and uniting the tribes of Mars in the previous film, John now confronts a greater threat: the ancient gods of Mars are rising and subtly manipulating events on the planet.
As the tribes of Mars descend into chaos, John Carter and Dejah Thoris must gather old allies as well as new characters to combat the dark forces. They will explore ancient mysteries, the ruins of lost civilizations, and battle against bizarre creatures.
The story not only revolves around war and action but also delves deeper into love and the courage of John Carter in protecting what he holds dear. With breathtaking action sequences, impressive visual effects, and an emotionally rich narrative, “John Carter 2: Gods of Mars” promises to deliver an intense adventure on the red planet.