In Jurassic World: Rebirth (2025), humanity continues to face the terrifying consequences of reviving dinosaurs. After the chaotic events of the previous films, the world spirals into further turmoil as dinosaurs evolve to become stronger, smarter, and begin to dominate vast territories.
Scarlett Johansson stars as a fearless biologist who uncovers a shocking secret about the true origins of the Jurassic project. When a mysterious organization schemes to exploit dinosaur DNA to create superior hybrid creatures, she must join forces with both new and familiar allies to prevent a global catastrophe.
With HDR-X+ 4K UHD technology, Jurassic World: Rebirth promises breathtaking visuals, intense action sequences, and a suspenseful storyline full of surprises. The film will take audiences on a gripping survival adventure where the line between humans and dinosaurs grows dangerously thin.