
Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball is full of honorable heroes and vicious villains, but it also features its share of brutal betrayals that shatter trust

Anime is a storytelling medium that’s rich in unexpected betrayals, but Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball is particularly dense in these devastating acts of deception. Dragon Ball has entertained audiences with rich and exciting storytelling for nearly four decades that has introduced many memorable characters, both heroes and villains alike. It’s always electric when Dragon Ball characters work together and put aside their differences for the greater good, but there are also plenty of instances where the opposite occurs.

Teamwork and cooperation are paramount in a series like Dragon Ball and it hits especially hard when one character manipulates another or abuses their trust. Faith and confidence are important currency in Dragon Ball and characters truly suffer when their alliances are shattered. There are some devastating betrayals in the Dragon Ball franchise, but some of these actions sting more than others.

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10 Anime Heroes Who Betrayed Other People

Even anime heroes like Dragon Ball Z’s Vegeta or Naruto’s Itachi betray their allies, usually for their own selfish purposes.10Frost Deceives Universe 7 & Cheats During The Tournament Of Destroyers

Dragon Ball Super expands the franchise’s scope in major ways and one of its biggest developments is the introduction of an entire multiverse of powerful warriors. There are 12 separate universes in Dragon Ball, but Universe 6 – the sister realm to the series’ prime Universe 7 – receives the most attention outside the standard dimension. Universe 6 functions as a curious echo to Universe 7 and features many comparable elements, albeit ones that are drastically different in some respects. Universe 6 flaunts its own version of Frieza – Frost – who’s introduced as a kindhearted and valiant hero rather than a galactic tyrant like in Universe 7.

A competition for the Super Dragon Balls between Universes 6 and 7 – the Tournament of Destroyers – reveals that Frost has actually been deceiving the Universe 7 crew and that he’s actually as wicked as Frieza, if not even more so. All of Universe 7 is betrayed by this revelation, but it’s specifically Goku and Piccolo who are wronged when Frost secretly poisons them during their battles. The truth comes forward and the Tournament of Destroyers’ results are accordingly amended, but it’s still a tough pill for Universe 7 to swallow. Many of these fighters attempt to get revenge on Frost during the Tournament of Power.

9Demon King Piccolo Reneges On His Deal With The Pilaf Gang

Pilaf, Shu, and Mai are the original Dragon Ball’s first villains and they attempt to collect the Dragon Balls for wicked world domination plans. Their efforts are thoroughly thwarted by Goku and company, yet they never completely disappear from the series. The Pilaf Gang attempt to align themselves with Demon King Piccolo and plan to ride his coattails to success, even if he’s still more powerful than they are. Pilaf and his crew help carry out King Piccolo’s bidding, assist him in his actions against Goku, and – most importantly – aid him in his Dragon Ball collection. The Pilaf Gang helps King Piccolo achieve his goal.

Not only does he successfully use the Dragon Balls to reacquire his youth, but he follows this act up with Shenron’s destruction to take the Dragon Balls out of the equation and prevent anyone from undoing his actions. Afterward, Pilaf attempts to cash in on his reward and is hopeful that he’ll get at least a small portion of the world to rule, while King Piccolo controls the rest. Not only does King Piccolo not reward the Pilaf Gang with anything, but he throws them out of his ship and abandons them now that he’s gotten what he’s wanted from their arrangement. It’s hard to feel sympathy for twisted villains like Pilaf and company, but it’s still a particularly ruthless betrayal that speaks to King Piccolo’s singular and selfish mindset.


Who Was Dragon Ball Z’s Single Worst Character?

Dragon Ball Z has several characters that fans can’t stand, but one in particular was a disappointing failure to match his undeserved hype.8Babidi Brutally Eliminates Spopovich & Yamu After They’ve Served Their Purpose

Dragon Ball Z’s Buu Saga releases unprecedented chaos on the planet when Babidi awakens Majin Buu – an ancient evil – to wreak havoc. Babidi needs to acquire enough energy to trigger Buu’s awakening and it’s revealed that he possesses several minions to help him sap energy from strong individuals so that he can bring his plan to fruition. Vegeta’s energy donation as he succumbs to Majin influence ultimately pushes his power supply over the edge. However, Babidi’s previous plan is to use two compliant human servants, Spopovich and Yamu, to collect energy and do his grunt work.

Not much is known about Spopovich and Yamu prior to their Majin possession, but they’re set up to be normal humans who let their insecurities get the better of them. It’s clear that Spopovich and Yamu both think that aligning themselves with Babidi will get them in the dark wizard’s good graces and protect them after Buu awakens. On the contrary, Babidi psychically inflates and explodes both of his loyal minions after they’ve outlived their usefulness and he’s grown tired of them. Their deaths are particularly vicious and completely unnecessary, but their messy ends further establish Babidi’s villainy and that human lives are worthless to him.

7Majin Buu Grows Tired Of Babidi’s Insults & Violently Ends Their Alliance

Majin Buu is first awakened millions of years ago by Bibidi, but when the evil alien wizard’s plan falls short, it’s his descendant, Babidi, who picks up the slack. Babidi awakens Buu on Earth through an intricate plan that results in multiple Majin minions. Buu wouldn’t be around without Babidi’s help, which makes it all the more tragically ironic that Buu is the one who ends Babidi’s life. Buu is initially compliant to Babidi’s shrill and hostile requests because the Majin manipulator repeatedly threatens to once again seal Buu away if he acts out of turn.

However, Buu grows increasingly tired of the wizard’s mean insults and angry rants. He slowly reaches his breaking point and decides that he doesn’t want Babidi around anymore. Buu further questions Babidi’s loyalty to him and if this is the type of partner that he wants in his life. Buu’s frustration with Babidi coincides with his time with Mr. Satan, who shows Buu kindness and teaches him to appreciate compassion. Mr. Satan’s positive relationship with Buu helps him better understand that Babidi has been manipulating him. Buu’s child-like innocence results in a disturbingly playful execution of Babidi that seems like it catches both of them off-guard.

6Master Shen Breaks Away From Master Roshi & Turns To Darkness

Goku and Dragon Ball fans meet Master Roshi when he’s already hundreds of years old. That being said, the revered martials arts master has lived a full life that’s full of loss. Master Shen is a major danger who threatens Roshi and his Turtle School disciples during the World Martial Arts Tournament. Shen and Roshi harbor palpable animosity towards each other, but these two were actually close friends and partners during their youth. Roshi and Shen both trained under the prolific Master Mutaito, who ultimately passed away during his efforts to defeat and contain Demon King Piccolo with the volatile Evil Containment Wave. Mutaito’s death hangs heavy on Shen and he’s never quite the same.

Shen heads down a dark path and opens the Crane School of Martial Arts, which is in direct opposition to Roshi’s Turtle School. These two develop separate ideologies, but it also seems as if Shen directly targets Roshi and his students in order to cause them pain and reinforce the idea that they made the wrong decision with their life. An anime filler episode also adds extra fuel to this fire and indicates that Roshi and Shen’s competition over a woman, Fanfan, is also to blame for the duo’s falling out.


10 Anime Heroes Who Betrayed Themselves

Even the most principled anime heroes aren’t immune to losing faith in themselves, like Death Note’s Light Yagami and AoT’s Eren Yeager.5Vegeta Lets Down Future Trunks Through His Semi-Perfect Cell Plans

Cell, even in his Imperfect form, throws all of Earth’s heroes off their game. Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, and Future Trunks immerse themselves in dedicated training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, wherein they all learn how to surpass their standard Super Saiyan limitations. Vegeta is so taken with his new Super Saiyan Second Grade strength that he begins to arrogantly refer to himself as Super Vegeta and proceeds to completely overwhelm Semi-Perfect Cell in combat. Future Trunks is elated to see that his father is strong enough to defeat this apocalyptic threat. However, Semi-Perfect Cell takes advantage of Vegeta’s pride and ego and convinces him that he could face a truly worthy opponent if he allows him to absorb Android 18 and attain perfection.

Vegeta is so confident in his power boost that he’s willing to let Cell engage in this process, which betrays the plan that he’s put together with Future Trunks. Future Trunks does whatever he can to stop Vegeta and the father and son come to blows over Android 18’s absorption. Unfortunately, Future Trunks is unable to stop Vegeta’s meddling and Semi-Perfect Cell achieves his goal and ascends to perfection. Perfect Cell proves to be more powerful than Vegeta and Future Trunks combined. Vegeta’s egotistical error isn’t just a massive betrayal to Future Trunks, but all the heroes, who now have an even greater challenge on their hands.

4The Heeter Force Manipulates Granolah To Do Their Bidding

Dragon Ball Super’s manga has gone far beyond the anime’s Tournament of Power, which has led to the introduction of bold new villains like Planet-Eater Moro and Gas of the Heeter Force. The Heeter Force are explained to be an organization who work for Frieza and help him in his acquisition and conquest of planets. However, they plan to steal power away from the tyrant and become an even stronger force of nature. The Heeter Force recruit Granolah, the last of the Cerealians, to carry out their wishes and help them in their mission. This puts Granolah on a collision course with Vegeta and Goku, who he resents due to their Saiyan status and their people’s role in his planet’s ruin.

It’s gradually revealed that the Heeter Force themselves are actually responsible for the death of Granolah’s family and that Bardock – a Saiyan – helped save Granolah’s life when he was just a child. When Granolah learns the truth, the Heeters have no qualms about immediately turning on their pawn and taking him out alongside Goku and Vegeta. It’s a brutal blow for Granolah to realize that he’s been working for the enemy and the people who he hates more than anyone else in the universe. Furthermore, the Heeter Force pushes Granolah down a destructive path where he’s willing to cut his lifespan incredibly short in exchange for greater power that will ultimately benefit them.

3Frieza Toys With Broly’s Trust & Emotions To Help Him Defeat His Rivals

Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan, is one of Dragon Ball’s most popular characters. He’s the centerpiece of three separate Dragon Ball Z movies, but it’s not until Dragon Ball Super: Broly that he officially becomes canon. Dragon Ball Super: Broly slightly revises the Saiyan’s backstory and presents him more of a tortured and manipulated figure rather than a purely evil individual. Broly and his father Paragus are welcomed into the Frieza Force and believe that Frieza genuinely cares about him. However, Frieza’s plan is to get Broly to take out Goku and Vegeta for him so that these persistent threats are finally out of the way.

Frieza lies to Broly and never has his best interests in mind. The culmination of this abuse occurs when Frieza callously kills Paragus in front of Broly in order to push him over the edge and trigger a violent Super Saiyan transformation that will hopefully make him strong enough to destroy Goku and Vegeta. Frieza’s plan fails, but it also gives Broly a bitter grudge against the villain that carries over to this day.


10 Worst Dragon Ball Tropes

Dragon Ball deserves its reputation as one of the best anime and manga properties of all time, but even it has some annoying tropes that fans hate.2Vegeta Turns On His Saiyan Partner Once Nappa Becomes Dead Weight

Vegeta and Nappa enter Dragon Ball Z at the same time and these two are viewed as loyal partners who are determined to acquire Earth’s Dragon Balls and accomplish what Raditz couldn’t. Nappa causes a lot of the Saiyan Saga’s initial destruction and he’s responsible for Tien, Chiaotzu, and Piccolo’s deaths, which is no small feat. Goku’s triumphant return, complete with a Kaio-Ken power boost, quickly humbles Nappa and proves that Goku’s vigorous Other World training under King Kai hasn’t been in vain. Goku easily neutralizes Nappa and the fallen Saiyan desperately asks Vegeta for help. Vegeta, disgusted over Nappa’s defeat, executes his partner and decides that he’s no longer helpful to his plan.

Nappa is dumbfounded by Vegeta’s betrayal, as are Goku and the rest of Earth’s heroes. This is an efficient way to take Nappa out of the picture and also establish Vegeta as a ruthless individual who’s even more dangerous than his violent partner. Vegeta’s decision to succumb to dark Majin influences for an easy power boost during the Buu Saga also qualifies as a hefty betrayal to Goku and everything that they’ve built together since his redemption. However, his disloyalty to Nappa stings more and truly catches the Saiyan warrior by surprise.

1Frieza Betrays The Entire Saiyan Race When He Destroys Planet Vegeta

Dragon Ball Z begins with Planet Vegeta’s destruction looming far in the series’ past, but the franchise slowly fills in the details that surround this crucial event in Bardock – The Father of Goku. Frieza, for decades, has used the Saiyans as his brutal wrecking balls who help wipe out a planet’s population so that he can easily take it over and sell it to the highest bidder. The Saiyans believe that they’re valuable allies to Frieza, but in reality, Frieza despises these low-level warriors and merely views them as a means to an end. Bardock, through unique psychic visions, clues into the fact that the Saiyans are on borrowed time and that it won’t be long until Frieza eliminates their working relationship.

Bardock tries to stage a Saiyan revolution against Frieza, but the Saiyans are still woefully inferior to Frieza’s raw power. Frieza casually decides that he’s had enough of the Saiyans and destroys their entire planet with a destructive Supernova. It’s a truly awful betrayal due to the Saiyans’ intense loyalty to Frieza and that the majority of them had no idea that their extinction was imminent. Frieza goes on to carry a heavy hatred for the Saiyans that carries over to his confrontation with Goku and Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z.

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